Why Take History with Miss Holly?

Why Take History with Miss Holly? My social studies and history classes aren’t just about learning fascinating stories from history through engaging books. They are also focused on literacy, and learning the important skill of reading nonfiction text for information—the skill of reading to learn. No Boring, Traditional Textbooks Have you ever noticed how traditional […]
Middle School Literature Students Learn About 9/11

Middle School English Literature Students’ Final Projects My literature and composition class for middle school recently finished Just a Drop of Water, which is a great historical fiction novel about 9/11. We discussed the novel, read and analyzed George Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation, listened to and analyzed songs from the era, and wrote […]
Announcing Summer Classes

Summer Classes Begin June 7 Just because the school year is almost over, it doesn’t mean the fun and learning have to stop! I’m excited to announce that I will be offering summer classes this year! Avoid Summer Slide Studies have shown for years that students lose a significant amount of knowledge in reading, […]
Student Presentations Are Great Learning Tools

Students Learn About Different Cultures, Including Their Own In my Dive into Social Studies Class for grades 2-3, we spent about eight weeks learning all about cultural similarities and differences. We read about and discussed traditions, holidays, foods, clothing, homes, games, and more. We wrapped up the unit with student presentations, one of my favorite […]
Exploring American History Through Literature Class Brings History to Life

History Does Not Have To Be Boring Does your student find history a bit dry and boring? Do YOU find it a bit dry and boring to teach? When I was in school, I hated history. History textbooks seemed to be a lot of wars, dates, and names of long dead people. Memorizing facts […]
Live Online Middle School Literature and Composition Class

Looking for a great class for your middle school student next year? My live online Literature and Composition Class for middle school students is a great choice! Please read on for more information about this challenging, engaging class, and why literature is so important, especially in middle school. Middle school is an opportunity for tremendous growth Middle […]