Summer Classes Begin June 7
Just because the school year is almost over, it doesn’t mean the fun and learning have to stop! I’m excited to announce that I will be offering summer classes this year!
Avoid Summer Slide
Studies have shown for years that students lose a significant amount of knowledge in reading, writing, and math over summer break.
In a recent study, researchers examined test scores of nearly eighteen million students over five summers. They found that children lose up to 40% of the gains they made over the school year during summer break. According to Allison Atteberry, lead author of the report, “Because summer losses accumulate over time, consecutive losses add up to a sizable image on where students end up on the achievement distribution.” (Forbes)
It makes sense! We lose physical fitness and muscle gains if we stop working out. Our brains need regular workouts too, and kids’ brains are in a crucial stage of development. They need to continue to practice what they learned during the school year so they don’t forget it during the summer.
I am a huge believer in summer skills practice, and I’ve seen first hand what a difference it makes, both with my own children when they were school age, and my tutoring students who continue with me during the summer.
Of course kids need down time too, time to relax, go outside, go on vacations, and enjoy the summer. But a couple of hours a week of summer reading, writing, and math can make such a difference in having a great start to the new school year.
Summer Classes in Reading, Writing, and Math
This summer I am offering six-week summer classes to keep kids reading and writing. These will be low pressure, light homework classes, designed to help students avoid that regression in academic proficiency, also know as summer slide.
In addition to classes, I also offer private, one-on-one tutoring in reading, writing, and math, both in person and over zoom, all summer long.
My classes will be live online, and offered at a special, low summer price of just $95, with no enrollment fee. These classes are six weeks long, starting June 7 through July 21, with no classes the week of July 4.
Keep Reading and Writing This Summer
I am teaching three classes to keep your students reading and writing this summer: a Beginning IEW Sampler Class for students who want to see what IEW writing is like, or for students who just want to get a little extra practice over the summer (all new materials for summer), and two book clubs that will include reading, writing, class discussion, reading comprehension, and more, with two GREAT books I’m excited to dive into!
Beginning IEW Writing Sampler Class (grades 3-6) Wednesdays 9:00-9:55
Summer Book Club (grades 4-6) Wednesdays 10:00-10:55
Summer Book Club (grades 6-8) Wednesdays 11:00-11:55
In our six-week book clubs, we will read one book, and dive deep with lots of comprehension practice, discussion, writing, vocabulary, etc. The books I chose are both New York Times best sellers, and are sure to be a hit with students. Even if they’ve already read the book, these books are worth a second, deeper look. Grades 4-6 will read Out of My Mind, by Sharon Draper, and grades 6-8 will read Pax, by Sara Pennypacker. All grades are welcome in either class.
My Beginning IEW Writing Sampler Class is a great way to experience what all the excitement is about when it comes to IEW. It’s also a great way for students who have taken IEW to continue practicing over the summer. All materials are provided, and they are just for summer, so taking the summer class won’t repeat materials your student may be using in the fall.
To find the classes and enroll, go to homeschoolcampus.org, choose classe schedule from the menu at the top, then choose summer 2023, and put Dodson in the keyword search. For information about summer tutoring, please see my website, TutorWithHolly.com, or feel free to reach out with questions.
I hope to see your kids this summer!