A Little About

Elementary School Classes

I offer a wide variety of live online classes for students in this age group. These classes include IEW writing (Beginning IEW, Ancient History-based IEW, Medieval History-based IEW), Creative Story Writing, Exploring American History through Literature, Literature and Composition, and Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar. These small group classes provide an opportunity for students to receive targeted instruction and practice. The class size is limited to ensure that each student receives individual attention. Holly Dodson uses a variety of instructional methods to meet the needs of each student.

Social Studies

Writing Classes

Preview of Online IEW Class Program

Get a sneak peek at Holly’s most popular live online class: Beginning IEW Writing. This video gives you a glimpse of how IEW works, and how interactive and fun Holly’s live online classes are. Kids learn excellent writing skills from the comfort of their own homes, while interacting with a professional writing instructor and their peers.

Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

Literature and Writing


My newsletter is intended as nourishment for your children and to help you deepen their learning habits.

Helping Students to Become Confident and Independent Writers and Learners

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