Middle School Literature Students Learn About 9/11

Middle School English Literature Students’ Final Projects My literature and composition class for middle school recently finished Just a Drop of Water, which is a great historical fiction novel about 9/11. We discussed the novel, read and analyzed George Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation, listened to and analyzed songs from the era, and wrote […]
Announcing Summer Classes

Summer Classes Begin June 7 Just because the school year is almost over, it doesn’t mean the fun and learning have to stop! I’m excited to announce that I will be offering summer classes this year! Avoid Summer Slide Studies have shown for years that students lose a significant amount of knowledge in reading, […]
Student Spotlight-Riley Bodziak, Live Online Creative Story Writing Student

Meet Riley Bodziak, Creative Story Writing Class Student Welcome to my Student Spotlight Newsletter. This year I introduced my Creative Story Writing Class, and I just LOVE this class! I told my students it feels more like a college class, because the kids that are in it really want to be there; they are enthusiastic, […]
Student Spotlight-Elijah Wolf, Live Online Literature and Writing Student

Meet Elijah Wolf, Literature and Writing Class Student Welcome to my second Student Spotlight Newsletter. I love reading great books with students of all ages, and my favorite part of my literature and writing classes is when students do class presentations. This year my Literature and Writing class for grades 4-6 read a realistic fiction novel called Eleven, […]
Homeschooling With Cultural Awareness: The Importance of Raising Culturally Aware Children In A Homeschool Setting

Do you strive to encourage a positive self image in your child? Do you understand the importance of social connections and want your children to have friends? Do you worry about bullying and wish kids would just accept each other’s differences? Do you hope and pray your children grow into respectful adults who treat others […]