Are you looking for a homeschool teacher to help you improve your child’s academic performance? If so, you’ve come to the right place! At Tutor with Holly, I provide excellent educational services to help your child succeed. I am an expert in my field and I am dedicated to helping your child achieve their goals.

Homeschooling Challenges

One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling is that you, as the parent, are in charge of your child’s education. One of the biggest disadvantages of homeschooling is that you, as the parent, are in charge of your child’s education (yikes)!  And let’s face it… that’s a big responsibility.  

As parents, we wear a lot of hats.  We are responsible for providing financial and emotional support for our children.  We provide safety, protection, and discipline.  We instill values and try to raise them to be kind, compassionate, happy human beings.   As homeschooling parents, we add primary educators to that long list of responsibilities.  And, if we are honest, most of us are a little bit afraid that we’re not doing it right, that we’re not doing enough, and that, somehow, we may be ruining our kids!  

None of us are good at everything, or every subject.  Some parents excel at language arts; some parents are great at math; some parents are passionate about history or science.  But most of us have areas that we feel weaker in, and maybe we don’t have the confidence that we can teach our children every subject, and do it justice.  

About Tutor with Holly 

I am a former first grade teacher, so when I homeschooled my daughters, I felt very confident teaching them how to read and write.  They were both reading chapter books by the age of four, and writing long stories for fun.  Science, on the other hand, kind of got ignored, because it wasn’t a subject I had a passion for.  

Luckily for me, I didn’t have to feel one hundred percent responsible for teaching every subject, because I discovered outsourcing.  I was thrilled to find teachers who did love science, and other subjects that I didn’t love (and honestly just didn’t want to feel pressured to teach, since I didn’t feel that confident in those areas).  While I happily taught my kids all things reading and writing, I left science and Spanish and, later, advanced math, to teachers who were experts in those subjects.  

In addition to leaving certain subjects to teachers who were experts in those areas, I discovered that outsourcing had additional advantages as well.  By providing other teachers for my daughters, they learned to respond to different teaching styles.  Instead of just being accountable to me, as mom, they had to be accountable to someone else.  And I don’t know about you, but I found that my kids often were a lot more cooperative with other teachers than they were at home with “just” mom.  In group classes, they learned to interact with peers in an academic setting, and developed other important social skills.  They made friends in their classes, and shared ideas with others.  They received objective, academic feedback from teachers other than me.  They had homework that they were responsible for doing, and turning in on time, and sometimes tests to study for.  Outsourcing enriched their home schooling in ways that I hadn’t predicted, but were so beneficial.  

How HomeSchool Campus Shifted my Experience with Teaching

HomeSchool Campus didn’t exist back when I homeschooled my daughters, but that would have made outsourcing and finding those teacher experts so much easier.  HomeSchool Campus provides one-stop shopping for homeschooling parents who want to find the best teachers for practically every grade and every subject.  Now I am proud to be one of those expert teachers, providing the very best instruction in writing, literature, language arts, social studies, and American history for those parents who want to outsource those subjects.  

Home schooling gives parents and students so much choice.  We can choose when and where and how to do school.  We can provide tailor-made instruction to fit our children’s learning styles, our family schedules, and our values.  But sometimes so much choice can be overwhelming, and sometimes it’s nice to have help.  It takes a village, and finding a village of expert teachers, and a community of other home school families, is priceless.  

If you’re interested in outsourcing some of your students’ subjects, I offer live online classes in IEW writing, literature and composition, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar, creative story writing, social studies, and American history through literature.  Full class descriptions are on my website at

Speaking with Jacob Holiday about HomeSchool Campus

If you’d like to hear me talk about this, and other home school related topics, you can view my interview with Jacob Holiday of HomeSchool Campus.  Jacob was a student at HomeSchool Campus himself, and it’s fun to hear his perspective as a former home school student.  We discuss everything from socialization to flexibility and freedom, and I share my perspective as a former public school teacher turned homeschooling mom and homeschool teacher.  

Here’s a short excerpt about why I wish there had been a HomeSchool Campus when I was homeschooling my daughters:

Transcript of video:

“The reason that I wish there had been a HomeSchool campus when I was teaching my girls is I was better at teaching certain things. I’m a language arts person, for the most part; I love to teach literature, I love to teach writing; that came easily for my girls probably because it was such a part of our home environment from the time they were tiny.  I would have loved to have been able to send them to HomeSchool Campus to learn science, which was not my thing. You know, go to an expert who could take that off my plate, so that I could enjoy teaching the things that I liked to teach, enjoy spending that after school time with the girls doing fun things, like field trips—we did tons of field trips—but take the science or the advanced math off my plate and give it to an expert who could guide them in a way that I could feel like they were getting what I couldn’t provide… it’s like a sweet spot… mom provides what she can provide, and then you hire the rest out to somebody that knows more than what you know in a particular subject.”

Still curious, you can watch the whole interview here!

What is the Process for Working with Tutor with Holly?

To inquire about Tutor with Holly, please fill out this form. After you have submitted your form, I will reach out directly to learn more about your child and how I can best assist your child. 

Not only am I a homeschool teacher, but I have also been a private tutor for over two decades. I love the one-on-one interaction with my students, getting to know them and helping them grow. I focus on each student’s individual needs and abilities, and move forward at the student’s pace.


My approach to learning combines traditional methods with creative, engaging activities that make learning fun and effective. My combination of structure, flexibility, and dedication ensures that my students not only remain engaged in their studies, but also make significant progress.

I am passionate about helping each student reach his or her own goals and objectives – be it improved grades, building self-confidence, developing critical thinking skills, mastering difficult concepts, or simply enjoying the process of learning more. I use a variety of methods and approaches tailored to the individual needs of each student and their learning style, ensuring that children stay motivated and engaged.

Rest assured I am dedicated to making sure that all my students feel safe, secure, and supported throughout their homeschool journey. It is my goal to provide a positive and encouraging environment where each student can learn at their own pace through self-paced classes or in a classroom to explore their interests.

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