Student Presentations Are Great Learning Tools

Students Learn About Different Cultures, Including Their Own In my Dive into Social Studies Class for grades 2-3, we spent about eight weeks learning all about cultural similarities and differences. We read about and discussed traditions, holidays, foods, clothing, homes, games, and more. We wrapped up the unit with student presentations, one of my favorite […]
Exploring American History Through Literature Class Brings History to Life

History Does Not Have To Be Boring Does your student find history a bit dry and boring? Do YOU find it a bit dry and boring to teach? When I was in school, I hated history. History textbooks seemed to be a lot of wars, dates, and names of long dead people. Memorizing facts […]
Introducing Dive Into Social Studies Students

Introducing Dive into Social Studies Students This week I want to shine the student spotlight on my Dive into Social Studies students. These second and third graders learned about geography and democracy during first semester. In our geography unit, students made maps with the continents and oceans, learned about countries, states, and communities, and created maps of […]
Homeschooling With Cultural Awareness: The Importance of Raising Culturally Aware Children In A Homeschool Setting

Do you strive to encourage a positive self image in your child? Do you understand the importance of social connections and want your children to have friends? Do you worry about bullying and wish kids would just accept each other’s differences? Do you hope and pray your children grow into respectful adults who treat others […]