In this class, students will read a variety of engaging and challenging literature, including realistic fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, award winning novels, short stories, nonfiction, and shorter articles. We will discuss the reading in class, and learn about literary devices (simile, metaphor, allusion, foreshadowing, imagery, personification, etc.) and story elements (character, theme, plot, point of view, setting, conflict, etc.).
The class will be mostly discussion based, as students learn so much from active conversation about great literature. There will be some writing assignments, but for robust writing instruction and practice, I recommend one of my many writing classes to supplement this literature class. For this age group, I recommend IEW Medieval Writing, IEW Following Narnia, or my most rigorous writing class, Focus on Writing.
First semester books will include Just a Drop of Water and I Am Malala.
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Here’s what parents have to say about this class:
“You were my gem during my home school experience for English. There is no way I could have taught the kids everything you did… You are definitely one of a kind… The feedback from my kids is, ‘she is strict but awesome.’ I think we call this tough love. Thank you again.”—Mrs. Yune
“Thank you so much for being such an amazing teacher for Billy! I am so happy with the way he is getting involved in his language arts classes, and that’s definitely down to you, so thank you… I’m delighted with your classes for him!”—Mrs. Deakin
“Baylie and Brooklynn have thoroughly enjoyed all of your classes this year and, at this point, yours are the only online classes that we would like to continue next year. I can’t even imagine the challenging transition from in-person learning to launching an online learning platform, and it appears you did it seamlessly. Many kudos to you! 🙂 I also must compliment you on the easy-to-understand homework instructions listed on the HSC portal – it made filling out all of the charter school learning logs so much easier and my girls always knew what to expect in terms of homework due, and when.
Thank you for your classes and for sharing your unparalleled passion for all things reading and writing!”—Mrs. Brown
“Our son has really gotten so much out of your class. He’s like a different kid in the area of language arts! He’s becoming a much better writer through your class and doesn’t seem to have the dislike for writing that he used to have. I don’t have to nag him to do his homework, he’s been on top of it himself. It’s been good for him to read things outside of his box of what he normally likes to read. We are so pleased with your class and instruction!!!” –Mrs. Buchanan
“I have seen how the boys have improved so much in their writing and thinking. The boys like how understandable you are, and how patiently you teach them.” –Mrs. Alcaraz
Here’s what students have to say about this class:
“I would just like to say thank you for this amazing school year! When I first started homeschool I was a bit nervous because I didn’t like the zoom we did in public school, but when I joined your class it was AMAZING! I am one of those people that absolutely LOVE to talk and debate, so this class was exactly what I liked! I am always looking forward to your class, and I have so much fun talking with other classmates!” -6th grade student
“One of my favorite things about this class was the class discussions about the books. I liked this because everyone got to share personal experiences that were relevant to the book, and we also got to share our opinions on different topics. I also really enjoyed hearing everyone’s WWII projects, and the presentation was fun to make…One helpful thing I learned in this class was how to add supporting details to statements. I got a lot of practice with this and supporting claims with evidence from the text.” –8th grade student
“My favorite thing in class was reading all of the interesting books and having activities afterward … I used to not like to read at all. I felt almost forced into it when I had to do it for homework, but I actually enjoyed all the books we read! I wanted to read more, and sometimes I would skip ahead just to know what would happen next.” –8th grade student
“I enjoyed several things about the novel studies we did in class. I benefited from the assignments that we did before reading each novel. For example, I interviewed my dad and found out where he was and what he remembered about September 11. This helped me understand the setting and plot before we read the novel “Eleven,” which happened on September 11. I also enjoyed the PowerPoint presentations before reading the other novels. Researching about slavery helped me understand the story of Harriet Tubman. Next, I enjoyed the variety of novels we read this year. We read fiction, nonfiction, and historical fiction.”
“The most helpful thing I learned in this class was how to write a well developed paragraph. First, I learned how to write an outline. The outline format helped me organize my paragraph before I started writing. Next, I understood better how to write topic and closing sentences. It was helpful that you gave examples to use. I learned that the topic and closing sentence should be connected and related to each other. Finally, I practiced how to find examples and evidence in the novel to include into my paragraph. I found important quotes that support the topic sentence. I know how to explain and analyze the quotes now. In conclusion, writing a well developed paragraph was very helpful.” –8th grade student
“In the past semester, I have been inspired by shout outs during class, my work being used as an example, and encouraging notes being written on the top of my papers… After I worked hard on a descriptive essay, the teacher read the entire paper to the class. I got to go home with the biggest smile on my face knowing I did a good job…Ms. Holly did an amazing job keeping her students encouraged and determined to work hard.” –8th grade student
“I really enjoyed the classroom environment and atmosphere. The homework assignments are not too difficult and the books assigned are great reads.”
“One of the things I liked about the class was how I was challenged but not too much. There are things that at the beginning of the school year were harder than they are now. I have learned a lot in the class.”
“Receiving edits on my papers has helped me become more understanding of criticism. I used to take things personally, but now I realize that “not being perfect” is just me receiving feedback. Learning something new. Becoming not only a better writer, but a better person.”
“All in all I enjoyed many features of this class and faced many challenges, but for once in my life I actually felt encouraged as a writer.”
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